Artikler og webinar
Wellspect Education er et bredt tilbud av opplæringsmateriell på flere nivåer, fra grunnleggende kunnskap til ekspertnivå. Artikler basert på vitenskapelige studier er på engelsk.
Wellspect Education er et bredt tilbud av opplæringsmateriell på flere nivåer, fra grunnleggende kunnskap til ekspertnivå. Artikler basert på vitenskapelige studier er på engelsk.
key:global.content-type: Article
A cost-effectiveness analysis of Navina Smart on adult patients affected by neurogenic bowel dysfunction.
key:global.content-type: Article
Transanal Irrigation (TAI) is known to be a successful therapy to treat LARS, and in this study, Orlandi et al explore the use of TAI as a treatment option for women with endometriosis who experience LARS-like symptoms.
key:global.content-type: Article
Take part of clinical evidence that speaks to the improved outcomes of using TAI in pediatric patients when coupled with an individualized approach upon initiation of TAI.
key:global.content-type: Video
I det här webinariet kommer du att få höra höra fysioterapeuten , (MCSP., MSc., MPOGP) Julia Herbert prata om bäckenbottendysfunktion, de associerade symtomen och de behandlingsalternativ som finns tillgängliga.
key:global.content-type: Video
Debbie Green, spinal cord injury specialist lead, SIA, addresses some of the issues facing someone with a spinal injury with their bladder and bowel care.
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Transanal irrigation's influence on gut microbiota could have a positive effect on the immune system and contribute to reduced UTIs, as per this clinical study by Futura et. al.
key:global.content-type: Article
Take part of clinical data on transanal irrigation as a mean to manage neurogenic bowel in the pediatric population with Spina Bifida
key:global.content-type: Publication highlight
In this publication highlight you can read about how to manage bowel dysfunction in individuals with cauda equina syndrome.
key:global.content-type: Article
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Liam Rice addresses key questions around Bladder and bowel management in MS
key:global.content-type: Webinar
Bev Collins, Clinical nurse lead, Wellspect, forklarer hva autonom dysrefleksi (AD) er, går gjennom noen av de viktigste årsakene eller utløsende faktorene til dette syndromet og hva symptomene på AD er.
key:global.content-type: Article
Defecation disorders are common in conditions affecting the nervous system, such as spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida and severe Parkinson’s disease, and have great impact on self-esteem, personal relationships and social life.